

  • L. O. Conlon, T. Vogl, C. D. Marciniak, I. Pogorelov, S. K. Yung, F. Eilenberger, D. W. Berry, F. S. Santana, R. Blatt, T. Monz, P. K. Lam, S. M. Assad, “Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms”, Nature Physics (2023).

  • T. E. O'Brien, M. Streif, N. C. Rubin, R. Santagati, Y. Su, W. J. Huggins, J. J. Goings, N. Moll, E. Kyoseva, M. Degroote, C. S. Tautermann, J. Lee, D. W. Berry, N. Wiebe, and R. Babbush, “Efficient quantum computation of molecular forces and other energy gradients”, Physical Review Research 4, 043210 (2022).

  • P. C. S. Costa, D. An, Y. R. Sanders, Y. Su, R. Babbush, and D. W. Berry, “Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem”, PRX Quantum 3, 040303 (2022).

  • Y. Ouyang and G.K. Brennen, “Quantum error correction on symmetric quantum sensors,” arXiv:2212.06285 (2022)

  • M.T. Johnsson, B.Q. Baragiola, T. Volz, G.K. Brennen, “Modified coherence of quantum spins in a damped pure-dephasing model,” Phys. Rev. B 105, 094308 (2022)

  • M. Bagherimehrab, Y.R. Sanders, D.W. Berry, G.K. Brennen, and B.C. Sanders, “Nearly optimal quantum algorithm for generating the ground state of a free quantum field theory,” PRX Quantum 3, 020364 (2022)

  • E. Wagner, R. Nigmatullin, A. Gilchrist, G. K. Brennen, “Information flow in one-dimensional non-unitary quantum cellular automata”, arXiv:2204.09922 (2022).

  • A Hahn, D Burgarth, K Yuasa, “Unification of random dynamical decoupling and the quantum Zeno effect”, New J. Phys. (in press), 2022

  • Zixin Huang, Gavin K. Brennen, and Yingkai Ouyang, “Imaging stars with quantum error correction,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 210502 (2022).

  • Zixin Huang, Siddarth Koduru Joshi, Djeylan Aktas, Cosmo Lupo, Armanda O Quintavalle, Natarajan Venkatachalam, Sören Wengerowsky, Martin Lončarić, Sebastian Philipp Neumann, Bo Liu, Željko Samec, Laurent Kling, Mario Stipčević, Rupert Ursin, John G Rarity, “Experimental implementation of secure anonymous protocols on an eight-user quantum key distribution network”, npj Quantum Information 8 (1), 1-7 (2022)

  • D.J. George, Yuval R. Sanders, Mohsen Bagherimehrab, Barry C. Sanders, and G.K. Brennen, “Entanglement in quantum field theory via wavelet representations,” Phys. Rev. D 106, 036025 (2022).

  • Pedro C.S. Costa, Dong An, Yuval R. Sanders, Yuan Su, Ryan Babbush, Dominic W. Berry. “Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem”. ArXiv:2111.08152, Nov 2022.

  • Zhongan Zhao, Zhenxu Bai, Duo Jin, Yaoyao Qi, Jie Ding, Bingzheng Yan, Yulei Wang, Zhiwei Lu, and Richard P. Mildren, "Narrow laser-linewidth measurement using short delay self-heterodyne interferometry," Opt. Express 30, 30600-30610 (2022)

  • Hui Chen, Zhenxu Bai, Xuezong Yang, Jie Ding, Yaoyao Qi, Bingzheng Yan, Yulei Wang, Zhiwei Lu, and Richard P. Mildren, "Enhanced stimulated Brillouin scattering utilizing Raman conversion in diamond," Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 181103 (2022)

  • E. Granados, G. Stoikos, D. T. Echarri, K. Chrysalidis, V. N. Fedosseev, C. Granados, V. Leask, B. A. Marsh, and R. P. Mildren , "Tunable spectral squeezers based on monolithically integrated diamond Raman resonators", Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 151101 (2022)

  • E. Granados, C. Granados, R. Ahmed, K. Chrysalidis, V.N. Fedosseev, B.A. Marsh, S.G. Wilkins, R.P. Mildren, and D.J. Spence, "Spectral synthesis of multimode lasers to the Fourier limit in integrated Fabry–Perot diamond resonators," Optica 9, 317-324 (2022).

  • Helen Zhi Jie Zeng, Minh Anh Phan Ngyuen, Xiaoyu Ai, Adam Bennet, Alexander S. Solnstev, Arne Laucht, Ali Al-Juboori, Milos Toth, Richard P. Mildren, Robert Malaney, and Igor Aharonovich, "Integrated room temperature single-photon source for quantum key distribution," Opt. Lett. 47(7), 1673-1676 (2022).

  • N. Lambert, T. Raheja, S. Cross, P. Menczel, S. Ahmed, A. Pitchford, D. Burgarth, F. Nori, QuTiP-BoFiN: A bosonic and fermionic numerical hierarchical-equations-of-motion library with applications in light-harvesting, quantum control, and single-molecule electronics, arXiv:2010.10806  

  • O. Raii, F. Mintert, D. Burgarth, Scalable quantum control and non-abelian anyon creation in a honeycomb lattice, arXiv:2205.10114 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier, Stability and convergence of dynamical decoupling with finite amplitude control, arxiv:2205.00988 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, G. Gramegna, K. Yuasa, One bound to rule them all: from Adiabatic to Zeno, Quantum 6, 737 (2022) 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier, Control of quantum noise: on the role of dilations, Ann. Henri Poincare (2022) 

  • E. Blumenthal, C. Mor, A. A. Diringer, L. S. Martin, D. Burgarth, K. B. Whaley, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, Demonstration of an entangling gate between non-interacting qubits using the Quantum Zeno effect, njp Quantum Information 8, 88. (2022) 

  • D. Burgarth, J. Borggaard, Z. Zimboras, Quantum Distance to Uncontrollability and Quantum Speed Limits, Phys. Rev. A 105 042402 (2022) 


  • R. Nigmatullin, E. Wagner, and G. K. Brennen, “Directed percolation in non-unitary quantum cellular automata”, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043167 (2021).

  • R Ghosh, A Ghoshal and U Sen, “Quantum thermal transistors: operation characteristics in steady state vs transient regimes”, Phys. Rev. A 103, 052613 (2021)

  • Zixin Huang, Cosmo Lupo, “Quantum hypothesis testing for exoplanet detection”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 130502 (2021)Editor’s Suggestion; Highlighted in Physics

  • Zixin Huang, Cosmo Lupo, Pieter Kok, “Quantum-limited estimation of range and velocity”, PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030303 (2021)

  • Pedro C.S. Costa. “Quantum-to-classical transition via quantum cellular automata”. Quantum Information Processing 20, 236, Jul 2021.

  • Fernando T. Miranda, PedroPaulo Balbi, Pedro C.S. Costa. “Synthesis of Quantum Circuits with an Island Genetic Algorithm”. ArXiv:2106.03115, June 2021.

  • Xuezong Yang, Zhenxu Bai, Dijun Chen, Weibiao Chen, Yan Feng, and Richard P. Mildren, "Widely-tunable single-frequency diamond Raman laser," Opt. Express. 29(18), 29449-29457 (2021)

  • X Yang, Z Bai, H Jiang, RP Mildren, Y Feng, "A narrow-linewidth linearly-polarized 1018 nm fiber source for pumping diamond Raman laser," Frontiers in Physics 2021

  • Muye Li, Ondrej Kitzler, Richard P. Mildren, and David J. Spence, "Modelling and characterisation of continuous wave resonantly pumped diamond Raman lasers" Opt. Express 29(12), 18427-18436, (2021)

  • D.J. Little, O. Kitzler, S. Abedi, A. Alias, A. Gilchrist, R.P. Mildren, "Quantum-randomized polarization of laser pulses derived from zero-point motion of diamond" Opt. Express 29(2), 894-902, (2021)

  • D.T. Echarri, R.P. Mildren, S.M. Olaizola, and E. Granados. "Cascaded Stokes polarization conversion in cubic Raman crystals." Optics Express 29, no. 1: 291-304. (2021)

  • S Raman Nair, LJ Rogers, DJ Spence, RP Mildren, F Jelezko, AD Greentree, T Volz and J Jeske, "Absorptive laser threshold magnetometry: combining visible diamond Raman lasers and nitrogen-vacancy centres," Materials for Quantum Technology 1 (2), 025003

  • Z Bai, Z Zhang, K Wang, J Gao, Z Zhang, X Yang, Y Wang, Z Lu, RP Mildren, "Comprehensive Thermal Analysis of Diamond in a High-Power Raman Cavity Based on FVM-FEM Coupled Method," Nanomaterials 11 (6), 1572

  • P. P. Rohde, V. Mohan, S. Davidson, C. Berg, D. Allen, G.K. Brennen, J. Potts, “Quantum crypto-economics: Blockchain prediction markets for the evolution of quantum technology,” SSRN electronic journal, 10.2139/ssrn.3777706 (2021).

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, D. Lonigro, K. Modi, Quantum non-Markoviantiy elusive to interventions, Phys. Rev. A 104 L050404, 2021 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, M. Fraas, R. Hillier , Non-Markovian noise that cannot be dynamically decoupled, SciPost Physics 11, 027 (2021) 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa, KAM-Stability for Conserved Quantities in Finite-Dimensional Quantum Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 150401 (2021) 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa, Eternal Adiabaticity, Phys. Rev. A 103, 032214 (2021) 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, M. Ligabo, D. Lonigro, Hidden non-Markovianity in open quantum systems, Phys. Rev. A 103, 012203 (2021) 

  • P. C. S. Costa, D. An, Y. R. Sanders, Y. Su, R. Babbush, and D. W. Berry, “Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem”, arXiv: 2111.08152 (2021).

  • Y. Su, D. W. Berry, N. Wiebe, N. Rubin, and R. Babbush, “Fault-tolerant quantum simulations of chemistry in first quantization”, PRX Quantum 2, 040332 (2021).

  • Z. Huang, P. P. Rohde, D. W. Berry, P. Kok, J. P. Dowling, and C. Lupo, “Photonic quantum data locking”, Quantum 5, 447 (2021).

  • J. Lee, D. W. Berry, C. Gidney, W. J. Huggins, J. R. McClean, N. Wiebe, and R. Babbush, “Even more efficient quantum computations of chemistry through tensor hypercontraction”, PRX Quantum 2, 030305 (2021).


  • Y. R. Sanders, D. W. Berry, P. C. S. Costa, L. W. Tessler, N. Wiebe, C. Gidney, H. Neven, and R. Babbush, “Compilation of Fault-Tolerant Quantum Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization”, PRX Quantum 1, 020312 (2020)

  • I. D. Kivlichan, C. Gidney, D. W. Berry, N. Wiebe, J. McClean, W. Sun, Z. Jiang, N. Rubin, A. Fowler, A. Aspuru-Guzik, H. Neven, and R. Babbush, “Improved Fault-Tolerant Quantum Simulation of Condensed-Phase Correlated Electrons via Trotterization”, Quantum 4, 296 (2020).

  • T. J. Baker, S. N. Saadatmand, D. W. Berry, and H. M. Wiseman, “The Heisenberg limit for laser coherence”, Nature Physics 17, 179 (2020).

  • I. D. Kivlichan, C. Gidney, D. W. Berry, N. Wiebe, J. McClean, W. Sun, Z. Jiang, N. Rubin, A. Fowler, A. Aspuru-Guzik, H. Neven, and R. Babbush, “Improved Fault-Tolerant Quantum Simulation of Condensed-Phase Correlated Electrons via Trotterization”, Quantum 4, 296 (2020).

  • D. W. Berry, A. M. Childs, Y. Su, X. Wang, and N. Wiebe, “Time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation with L1-norm scaling”, Quantum 4, 254 (2020).

  • W. Gorecki, D. W. Berry, H. M. Wiseman, and R. Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, “π-corrected Heisenberg limit”, Physical Review Letters 124, 030501 (2020).

  • Mattias T. Johnsson, Nabomita Roy Mukty, Daniel Burgarth, Thomas Volz, G.K. Brennen, “A geometric pathway to scalable quantum sensing," Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 190403 (2020).

  • T.M. Wintermantel, Y. Wang, G. Lochead, S. Shevate, G. K. Brennen, S. Whitlock, "Unitary and non-unitary quantum cellular automata with Rydberg arrays," Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 070503 (2020).

  • N.A. McMahon, S. Singh, and G.K. Brennen, “A holographic duality from lifted tensor networks,” NPJ Quantum Info. 6, 36 (2020).

  • 7. S. Schütz, J. Schachenmayer, D. Hagenmüller, G.K. Brennen, T. Volz, V. Sandoghdar, T.W. Ebbesen, C. Genes, G. Pupillo, “Ensemble induced strong light-matter coupling of a single quantum emitter,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 113602 (2020)

  • A Hahn, R Wolf, “Generalized string-net model for unitary fusion categories without tetrahedral symmetry”, Phys. Rev. B 102 (11), 115154, 2020

  • JC Bridgeman, A Hahn, TJ Osborne, R Wolf, “Gauging defects in quantum spin systems: A case study”, Phys. Rev. B 101 (13), 134111, 2020

  • Cosmo Lupo, Zixin Huang, Pieter Kok, “Quantum limits to incoherent imaging are achieved by linear interferometry”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 080503 (2020)

  • Zixin Huang, Chiara Macchiavello, Lorenzo Maccone, Pieter Kok, “Ancilla-assisted schemes are beneficial for Gaussian state phase estimation”, Phys. Rev. A 101, 012124 (2020)

  • Amanuel M. Berhane, Christopher G. Baldwin, Keri Liang, Mojtaba Moshkani, Christopher Lustri, James Downes, Catherine Stampfl, Richard P. Mildren, "Morphogenesis of mesoscopic surface patterns formed in polarized two-photon etching of diamond," Carbon, vol. 173, 271-285, (2020)

  • S. Antipov, R.J. Williams, A. Sabella, O. Kitzler, A. Berhane, D.J. Spence, and R.P. Mildren. "Analysis of a thermal lens in a diamond Raman laser operating at 1.1 kW output power." Optics Express 28, no. 10 (2020): 15232-15239

  • C. G. Baldwin, J. E. Downes, and R. P. Mildren "Enhanced etch rate of deep-UV laser induced etching of diamond in low pressure conditions," Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 111601 (2020)

  • D.T. Echarri, K. Chrysalidis, V.N. Fedosseev, B.A. Marsh, R.P. Mildren, S.M. Olaizola, D.J. Spence, S.G. Wilkins, and E. Granados, "Broadly tunable linewidth-invariant Raman Stokes comb for selective resonance photoionization," Opt. Express 28(6), 8589-8600 (2020)

  • Z. Bai, R.J. Williams, O. Kitzler, S. Sarang, D.J. Spence, Y. Wang, Z. Lu, and R.P. Mildren. "Diamond Brillouin laser in the visible." APL Photonics 5, no. 3, 031301 (2020).

  • X. Yang, O. Kitzler, D.J. Spence, Z. Bai, Y. Feng, and R.P. Mildren, "Diamond Sodium Guide Star Laser." Optics Letters vol. 45, 1898-1901 (2020)

  • Euan J. Allen, Javier Sabines-Chesterking, Alex McMillan, Siddarth K. Joshi, Peter S. Turner, Jonathan C. F. Matthews. “Quantum Absorbance Estimation and the Beer-Lambert Law”, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033243 (2020)

  • Alexandra E. Moylett, Raúl García-Patrón, Jelmer J. Renema, Peter S. Turner, C”lassically simulating near-term partially-distinguishable and lossy boson sampling”, Quantum Science and Technology 5, 015001 (2020)

  • J. Lee, C. Arenz, D. Burgarth, H. Rabitz, An upper bound on the time required to implement unitary operations, J. Phys. A 53,125304 (2020) 

  • D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa, Quantum Zeno Dynamics from General Quantum Operations, Quantum 4, 289 (2020) 

  • C. Arenz, D.I. Bondar, D. Burgarth, C. Cormick, H. Rabitz, Hamiltonian Amplification, Quantum 4, 271 (2020) [9/13/6.77] 

  • A. Pitchford, A. A. Rakhubovsky, R. Mukherjee, D. W. Moore, F. Sauvage, D. Burgarth, R. Filip, F. Mintert, Optimal non-classical correlations of light with a levitated nano-sphere, arXiv:2006.15050