Our Labs

The Diamond Nanoscience Laboratory

The Diamond Nanoscience Laboratory (link is external) engineers next-generation diamond nanotechnologies for applications in quatum information, ultrahigh-resolution sensing and biomedical applications. It is part of the Quantum Materials & Applications Group (QMAPP) led by Associate Professor Thomas Volz at Macquarie University.

See a virtual lab tour here

The Low-Temperature Cavity QED Lab

The Low-Temperature Cavity QED Laboratory at CSIRO Lindfield complements the facilities/experiments of the Diamond Nanoscience Laboratory at Macquarie University. The Lindfield Laboratory provides excellent environmental conditions and great stability for carrying out experiments with solid-state emitters coupled to semi-integrated fibre cavities at liquid-helium temperatures. Besides the low-T optical fibre-cavity microscope, the lab houses two widely tunable high-power laser systems (cw and pulsed) and a high-resolution spectrometer for carrying out cavity QED studies of low-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures and diamond colour centres such as NV and SiV centres.