Brennen Group

Group members

PhD students:

  • Omprakash Chandra

  • Dan George

  • Rakshit Gharat

  • Alex Hahn

  • Zsolt Szabo

  • Simon Vedl

  • Elizabeth Wagner


  • Daniel Madden


  • Kerstin Beer (Deborah Jin Fellow)

  • Yumang Jing

  • Gopikrishnan Muraleedharan

Quantum computation & simulation, and sensing

  • Quantum simulation for condensed matter & quantum field theory

  • Quantum error correction for quantum computing & sensing

Quantum proof-of-work

  • Distributed consensus by quantum sampling

Recent Publications:

  1. Efficient State Preparation for Metrology and Quantum Error Correction with Global Control, Liam J. Bond, Matthew J. Davis, Jiří Minar, Rene Gerritsma, Gavin K. Brennen, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini, preprint arXiv:2312.05060

  2. Scale limited fields and the Casimir effect, Š. Vedl, D. George, GK Brennen, Phys. Rev. D 109, 016018 2024

  3. Massive quantum superpositions using magneto-mechanics, SR Nair, S Tian, GK Brennen, S Bose, J Twamley, preprint arXiv:2307.14553

  4. Proof-of-work consensus by quantum sampling, D Singh, B Fu, G. Muraleedharan, C-M Cheng, N Roussy Newton, PP Rohde, GK Brennen, preprint arXiv:2305.19865

  5. Non-local Multi-qubit quantum gates via a driven cavity, S. Jandura, V. Srivastava, GK Brennen, G Pupillo, preprint arXiv:2303.13127

  6. Quantum error correction on symmetric quantum sensors, Y Ouyang, GK Brennen, preprint arXiv:2212.06285 2022

  7. Imaging stars with quantum error correction, Z Huang, GK Brennen, Y Ouyang. Physical Review Letters 129 (21), 210502 2022

  8. Estimating the Jones polynomial for Ising anyons on noisy quantum computers, CN Self, S Iblisdir, GK Brennen, K Meichanetzidis arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.11127 2022

  9. Entanglement in quantum field theory via wavelet representations, DJ George, YR Sanders, M Bagherimehrab, BC Sanders, GK Brennen, Physical Review D 106 (3), 036025 2022

  10. Nearly optimal quantum algorithm for generating the ground state of a free quantum field theory, M Bagherimehrab, YR Sanders, DW Berry, GK Brennen, BC Sanders, PRX Quantum 3 (2), 020364 2022

  11. Information flow in one-dimensional non-unitary quantum cellular automata, E Wagner, R Nigmatullin, A Gilchrist, GK Brennen, SciPost Physics 16, 014 2024

  12. Modified coherence of quantum spins in a damped pure-dephasing model, MT Johnsson, BQ Baragiola, T Volz, GK Brennen, Physical Review B 105 (9), 094308 2022

  13. Directed percolation in nonunitary quantum cellular automata, R Nigmatullin, E Wagner, GK Brennen, Physical Review Research 3 (4), 043167 2021

  14. Quantum crypto-economics: Blockchain prediction markets for the evolution of quantum technology, PP Rohde, V Mohan, S Davidson, C Berg, D Allen, GK Brennen, J Potts, arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.00659

  15. Geometric pathway to scalable quantum sensing MT Johnsson, NR Mukty, D Burgarth, T Volz, GK Brennen, Physical Review Letters 125 (19), 190403 2020

  16. Decoding holographic codes with an integer optimization decoder, RJ Harris, E Coupe, NA McMahon, GK Brennen, TM Stace Physical Review A 102 (6), 062417 2020

  17. A holographic duality from lifted tensor networks, NA McMahon, S Singh, GK Brennen npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 36 2020

  18. Ensemble-induced strong light-matter coupling of a single quantum emitter, S Schütz, J Schachenmayer, D Hagenmüller, GK Brennen, T Volz, .Physical review letters 124 (11), 113602 2020

  19. Unitary and nonunitary quantum cellular automata with Rydberg arrays, TM Wintermantel, Y Wang, G Lochead, S Shevate, GK Brennen, Physical Review Letters 124 (7), 070503 2020


Berry Group