Mildren Group

Diamond Optics, Lasers and Quantum Systems

The tightly-bound, highly symmetric and dense lattice that is diamond provides an excellent substrate for investigating a range of extreme optical and quantum phenomena. The Group focuses on experiments in diamond phenomena spanning areas in nonlinear optics and optical processing. We are currently investigating:

  • Ultra-coherent laser sources, particularly low-noise and narrow linewidth lasers with a wide power and wavelength reach. These devices rely on Brillouin or Raman laser action in diamond (as well as some other materials).

  • Diamond surface nanostructuring via a novel UV 2-photon technique

  • Diamond electronic devices that rely on the 2D-hole gas of hydrogen-terminated surfaces

Our role in quantum science includes occasional investigations in quantum effects such as quantum randomness, but most often surrounds the development of lasers sources that support quantum engineering.


  • Ondrej Kitzler

  • Mojtaba Moshkani

  • Hadiya Jasbeer

  • Adam Bennet

  • Richard Pahlavani

  • Adam Sharp

  • Ritayan Roy


  • Alexei Gilchrist

  • David Spence

  • James Downes


  • Aaron McKay (now at Finisar Pty Ltd)

  • Alex Sabella (DST Group)

  • Soumya Sarang (CREOL, Florida USA)

  • Matthew Clarke (High Schools NSW)

  • Robert Williams (National Measurement Lab)

  • Sergei Antipov (Finisar Pty Ltd)

  • Chris Baldwin (ANSTO)

  • Zhenxu Bai (Hebut University of Technology)

  • Doug Little (National Measurement Lab)

  • Xuezong Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Refer here for publications.


Huang Group


Volz Group